Upper 90's and tomorrow just might hit 100. I've been freaking out about the cats getting too hot. We have a huge living room window which gets full sun from roughly 12pm to sunset (830-9pmish). Yesterday it was really hot when I came home, even with all the fans running, both cats looked as sad and pathetic as you can imagine. In order to try to help them stay cooler I ended up rearranging the fans and putting up cardboard across most of the living room window. It seemed to really help, although it is still blazing hot in here (~89/90). Surprisingly, Dante (the fat one) seems to be less affected than Absinthe. I've been trying to keep and eye on her because she is breathing really fast. She wasn't to thrilled with me when I patted her down with a wet washcloth, but afterward she wasn't breathing as hard and seemed to have perked up a bit. By trial and error, we've decided to discontinue the washcloth method of cooling and instead dipped her brush in water, something she seems to actually enjoy.
Absinthe trying to cool down.

Dante chillin' on the kitchen tile.