Friday, September 01, 2006


I just got back from Wu-Mart (Thing-Mart) . Kind of like a Wal-Mart but not really. It has lots of different things like food, cosmetics, household stuff and the like, but it is much smaller than what North Americas would typically think of. There aren't as many variaties of certian items.
Earlier today part of our group went out for a brief walk around the campus area with Loraine and Aunt Jan. Loraine is Chinese and is helping our group with a lot of different things like how and where to take the bus, subway, etc. Aunt Jan is Professor Bay's wife and knows quite a bit about Beijing, too. Afterwards I went to lunch with Christy and Heather at a little place near campus we had two dishes of these very good xaio long boa which are mini versions of another dish. Basically they are a hamburger-like meat wrapped in a doughy breading. I like them very much. You also dip them in soy sauce.
In about ten minutes a bunch of us are going to the market. I really need a towel as all that is in our room are hand towels and that really doesn't cut it for showers.

1 comment:

LRip said...

Are their regular size towels any bigger than handtowels? You could sew a together to make a big one for a 6' girl.