Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Quiet Canadian Christmas

Well, Laura was surprised at the airport when I jumped out of the trunk of the car. She and dad didn't know I would be in Alliston for Christmas. Of course Laura, thinking I would be in Grand Rapids sent my presents from herself, Andrea and Matt to my house so I didn't have any presents :( But being able to surprise Laura was well worth it.

Sunday night (after i arrived at Mom and Dad's house) Mom and Laura were on the phone when Laura mentioned she couldn't wait to make chocolate covered cherries by herself with no siblings around. So of course I had to disrupt her plans and quick make some before she got here. Her face when I presented her with them was priceless.

So far we've played lots of Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne. Had a delicious Christmas dinner and delightful Christmas naps.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Wish I were there. I can only imagine what our family dynamic will be when all 6 of us are actually together for a holiday again! Lots of prodding and teasing, I'm sure!