After numerous people have pointed out to me that since I'm no longer in China, I should change my blog's title. I did try but google won't let me. I suppose the only alternative is to go back to China so the name will be accurate.
My parents came down for a thing in the area and decide while they were here they might as well see the new house, their grandcats and me. Mom really likes the house especially the attic area. Since there is lots of room all over. If you are in GR (and I know you) please let me know and you could stay with us. Dad got to learn about the magic power of laptops to attract cats, although he didn't seem to mind (much). I went to my uncle and aunt's in Kalamazoo for a night and the five of us played a fun game called Rage. I wish there would have been time to play a game of Settlers of Catan, but alas, there wasn't. My parents opted to stay in Kzoo the whole time since they are getting old and they weren't up for sleeping bags on wood floors.
My parents left to go back to the Cold North on Friday morning and Janson and I left for Chicago on Saturday. We went down there to see his sister's last two home soccer matches. His parents flew out from Seattle.
Today turned out to be a pretty nice day. Quite warm and sunny despite the downpour of rain we got this morning. I decided to go out roller-blading since I am guessing it is one of the (very) few warm days we have left. I was hoping that nearby Garfield Park would have some nice paths to go around on but it didn't. Not wanting to give up I decide to see if the neighborhood sidewalks were any good. I quickly determined that they would be if people swept the rocks and sticks off of them (rocks and sticks tend to rather abruptly stop the wheels on the roller blades).
I began to head home and an old man on a bike who was coming up behind me yelled something at me. I couldn't understand him. He yelled again. Still couldn't make out what he was saying. As he passed me he yelled again and this time I could hear him quite clearly "I'm gonna bite you!" Thankfully he kept biking and didn't follow through on this pronouncement.
As I recall from my days at Calvin, the college ground have some nice areas to run/jog/rollerblade so I think I'll just head over there next time.
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