Friday, December 05, 2008

Hello Pavement....

So I woke up late. I guess I slept through my alarm or something. I rushed around and left with just barely enough time to catch my bus. I was kinda doing a sort of run/speed walk down the street and my thoughts were as follows:

It sure is cold. Didn't even see that person until they shut the car door, man they were quiet. In some ways it is kind of nice out here when it is quiet and dark and OhShit!ThisIsGoingToHurt!IAmGoingToMissMyBus!IHopeIDon'tBreakAnyBones! 


I really would like to just lie here for a bit. But I can't miss my bus.

I rather painfully scrambled up, picked up my lunch bag and stuffed the things that had spilled out back inside. I managed to do a hobble/run and made it to the stop with enough time to survey the damage. My knees both really stung and one had some scrapes (luckily my pants were intact. On the bus ride from Seattle to Southcenter I had to pull my pant leg off my knee every few minutes because it kept trying to stick in the wound. Yes that hurt. Over the course of the work day my knees got stiffer and stiffer and by the time I got home my right knee had developed a pretty amazing bruise. Still hurts to bend my knee but I can tell it is felling better. Ouch. Not really interested in repeating this experience anytime soon, nor can I recommend it to anyone else.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

That's right folks, it doesn't matter what race or sexual orientation you hail from, you have the right to be married to the partner of your choosing. No If's, no And's, no But's.

Marriage is about a partnership, it is about commitment and it is about love. Denying anyone the right to marry is wrong and to be frank and honest, when this denial is based on religious "principles" it is a travesty against both human rights and the very religion that is being "defended".

Curious as to what brought this post on? Recently California's Supreme court recognized that same-sex couples have the right to get married. Prop. 8 went onto the ballot as a proposition to eliminate that right. On November 4th, California voted 52.2% to 47.8% to strip same-sex couples of their right to get state-recognized, legal marriages.

I've heard some people spout off about how we shouldn't "redefine marriage". But until marriage was redefined in 1967, many states had laws on the books that made it illegal (a felony) for couples of differing racial heritages to be married. In 1967, Loving v. Virginia was brought before the Supreme Court which ruled (unanimously) that the "Racial Integrity Act of 1924" was unconstitutional and interracial couples had the right to be married. Mildred Loving who fought the state of Virginia for the right to be with the one she loved had this to say, "Surrounded as I am now by wonderful children and grandchildren, not a day goes by that I don't think of Richard and our love, our right to marry, and how much it meant to me to have that freedom to marry the person precious to me, even if others thought he was the "wrong kind of person" for me to marry. I believe all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people's religious beliefs over others. Especially if it denies people's civil rights. I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard's and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight seek in life. I support the freedom to marry for all. That's what Loving, and loving, are all about." (June 12, 2007).

Another argument cites the sanctity of marriage. Well, if this, this and this (and this and this) don't destroy the supposed sanctity of marriage, I fail to see how gay marriage can. Does denying some people the right to marriage make yours stronger? One of my favorite slogans in regards to same-sex marriage is "If you don't want gay marriage, don't get one!" If you don't believe that same-sex marriage is right, don't marry someone of the same-sex!

Just trying to write this out gets me angry. Because it hurts something deep inside me to know that there are people in this world who would willfully deny a basic human and civil right to another human. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and trans-gendered people have the same capacity for love that all humans do. Telling someone that they can have "civil unions" or "commitment ceremonies" when everyone else can have a marriage is wrong. Separate is not equal. 

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Equal Rights March-- Seattle Washington

Today Janson and I walked over to Volunteer Park (which is about 3 blocks away from our house) and join the 6000 people assembled there to protest the passing of Prop 8 in California and to support equal rights for all people. I'm posting a couple of signs that I liked. I wanted to post a bunch more but blogger is giving me some hassle and to be honest, it has a pretty lame set-up for posting entries that really makes adding pictures difficult. So if you want to see more clever and/or poignant signs and pictures from today's rally, visit my picasa page."We all deserve the right to love!"
"Gay, straight, black, white: Marriage is a civil right"
"Jesus had two daddies"
People of all races and sexualities should be allowed to marry whomever they want.
"Focus on your own family" 

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Rain, Rain You Can Stay...

... as long as you keep the snow away. 

Seattle's forecast for this week is rainy, but I don't mind considering Grand Rapids has an 80% chance of snow tonight. 

I am currently polishing off the leftovers from when Andrea, Janson and I got Thai food. It was nice to see my sister again and one of these days I'll need to go up to Bellingham to visit there. 

Last night I went to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert which was awesome (of course).

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Few New Jingles on My Key Ring

Well, Jans and I picked up the keys to our new place. It is pretty much awesome and I can't wait to post some pictures and make everyone jealous. It is a two bedroom condo we are renting from some amazing landlords (example: 3-ring binder with contact numbers, FAQ and appliance manuals).

It is located on 13th Ave E (the "East" is really important) a few blocks in one direction from Broadway and a few blocks in the other from 15th. Within walking distance or a very short bus ride is a couple grocery stores, movie theaters, coffee shops, bars, restaurants and various other places. Downtown Seattle is also only a bus ride away. 

If you want to come visit you are more than welcome, just give us a heads up. Currently we have a dresser and a coffee table so you might want to wait until we get a couch or at least a couple of chairs.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ahhh, Washington.

That is the best title you'll get out of me right now. 

Anyhow, because certain siblings have been pestering me, I shall update my blog by adding some pictures.

This picture was taken when my brother Matt was here in August. We went to a Moroccan restaurant and had a delicious five course dinner.
What would be the point of moving to Seattle if I missed the Puyallup Fair?
And what is the point of the Fair if you don't see curly haired cows?
Of course, cows in general fascinate me. As do fluffy chickens...
I had a great time at the Fair and even got to ride on a ferris wheel and a roller coaster. We had traditional fair food. Corndogs, elephant ears and cotton candy. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am told this has been and extra-ordinary fall as far as nice weather has gone. I am sure it has something to do with my presence here. 

Those of you who have ever owned indoor cats will probably find this funny. For those of you who will never know the joy of cat-companionship (I am thinking here of my sisters), other pieces of poetry from The Daily Rhyme might interest you. 

Janson and I have been looking at apartments recently. It involves a lot of leg-work and unfortunately we have yet to stumble across a perfect place (in our price range). However, we have found a mostly perfect place and I think we are going to start the application process. 

Friday, August 15, 2008

Did You Know...?

The actress who played Miss Gulch and the Wicked Witch of the West (Margaret Hamilton) in the Wizard of OZ, is only on screen for a total of 12 minutes? Apparently it was decided she was too scary for little kids and so much of the footage of her was cut. Learn something new everyday. via National Geographic Map of the Day.

Any how, I've been in Seattle (technically Renton) for 13 days and hope to soon fill you in about the details of the drive out here from Grand Rapids. 

Also, it is my sister's birthday today. She and another friend(s?) are currently visiting a friend up in the Yukon, and I hope she is having a good birthday. And that if she got cake, that the bears haven't eaten it all. Thankfully, she has glasses now, so maybe people won't mix us up. 

Oh, and one more thing. During my job search process I am working in customer service, same company, different store. It is a little weird as sooo much is the same (them being a national chain and all) and yet their are also tons of little differences. What makes it doubly weird is that the two people I have worked with so far that are trying to help me get accustomed to the new store have been doing customer service for less time than I have, so in the midst of them "training" me, I end up teaching them a few new tricks. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

There are Windmill Symbols on the Street Signs

Route Change. Being flexible is nice. 

We left Grand Rapids on Monday afternoon (originally planned for Saturday morning). And made it to Pella, Iowa around midnight to stay with some friends here. We realized our driving times were way off and instead of getting out there in four days, it is going to be five. Plus we are staying in Pella today to relax, replan our drive let Janson connect with Elevator Up and get some work done as well, and spend time with Jared and Britni. 

Monday: drove from GR to Pella 
Tuesday: Pella
Wednesday: Pella to Kennebec, South Dakota KOA (subject to change)
Thursday: South Dakota to Bighorn Canyon, Montana (Afterbay Campground)
Friday: Montana to Beavertail Hill State Park, Montana
Saturday: Montana to Renton, Washington.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand

So technically, right about now, we were supposed to be a couple hours outside of Grand Rapids. Things however, have been getting stressful and Janson and I decided it would be best to leave on Sunday rather than Saturday. Suddenly we are more relaxed and feeling a lot better about moving 2325 miles. 
I should have updated a bit sooner, but yes, we are moving across the country to Seattle, Washington. I will quickly answer a few of the most common questions people have been asking me. 

Why not!?! Both Janson and I grew up in the Seattle a
rea and we are both attached to the, well, milder climate. I, especially, am just absolutely fed up with piles of snow from November to March (sometimes October to April), slushy mucky streets and dead looking trees with no leaves.) I miss seeing mountains and taking ferries and seeing evergreen trees being green all year long. Also, now that we are sort of grown up a bit, we are also attracted to the vibrant city life of Seattle. (Although there is a possibility we will end up in Portland). 

Do you have a job?
Janson will continue to work at Elevator Up via 
the wonderful world of instant online communications (Twitter, Skype, Email). I am transferring to another store out there so I can keep earning some money, but will also be looking for full-time employment. From what I understand the Tukwila store was looking for a customer service associate and is glad to have someone with experience transfer in rather than have to hire someone new. I would like to keep this part-time job when I do find something full-time to help pay off my loans sooner. 

Are you keeping the cats?
Are you kidding? Of course. If I had a choice between the cats and everything I have ever owned, I would take the cats. Hands down, no question. It is going to be an interesting trip though because neither of them like riding in 
their carriers. At all. And they hate the truck e
ven more. The vet prescribed Benadryl to ma
ke them drowsy, but as of yet we have not managed to get them to swallow it. (Although Dante foaming and drooling all over the house was quite interesting). Both are now rather suspicious of any treat we try giving them.  Here is a picture of Dante helping me pack.
Well, my break is over. More later. Possibly.  

Monday, June 30, 2008

I hate coming up with titles.

I just heard a awful sound like a cat dying. And now the house is smelling like skunk. Yuck.

Getting ready for my trip to Canada. (leaving on July 3rd).

Also getting ready to move to Washington. (leaving on July 25th).

Thursday, June 12, 2008

This Does Not Bode Well....

Ninety-plus year-old neighbor wanders out in his slippers to their stationary car (flat tire, plants growing around/into it). He peers inside and then begins shuffling back down the driveway. He wife appears at the door as he passes by. "Where are you going?" She demands. Her hair is standing out in several directions and she's tucked into her bathrobe despite the afternoon's eighty degree weather. "I'm going home!" He says in a voice only slightly less creaky than hers. "You ARE home!" And she ushers him inside. 

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I pulled into the driveway after having one of the best sandwiches of my life (more about that later). I thought, "I should back it up so it is really easy to pull out when I leave." So I began backing up, carefully watching out for the main hazard of the tool chest for the truck which sits on one edge of the driveway. Success! I managed to nicely avoid hitting the tool chest. So I let it roll back bit further and when it seemed to pretty much naturally come to a stop there was only the slightest hint of a bump. I quickly looked behind me to make sure I hadn't hit the fence. I was well away from the fence, so I figured that I had just rolled off the edge of the pavement onto the grass. I gathered my things and hopped out, only to then see that I had run over our little Weber grill. 

Okay, as I promised before, here is my tale of the BEST sandwich I have ever had. Janson and Zach needed a ride from our house to downtown for a meeting. I offered to give them a ride... for a price. The price was a sandwich at the coffee shop where they were meeting. The sandwich I ordered was a Chipoltle PhillySteak sandwich (or something). Anyhow, names aren't important. What is important is that it was pure deliciousness. Tender, thin sliced steak with sweet red peppers and onions in a chipoltle sauce with pepperjack cheese on toasted sourdough bread. MMM.... I cannot recommend this enough. If you decide to go hunting for this little piece of heaven on earth you can find it at Coffee Cave (100 Grandville Ave, Grand Rapids, MI). (I think it was like $6-$7, not a cheap sandwich but IMHO (in my humble opinion), it is well worth it. 

Friday, May 23, 2008

My Legs Feel Like Jello

There is a bus that goes right by my house and right to work. When I can't use the truck I take the bike to the bus to work instead. This morning I did just that. I got out a little late from work and was looking at waiting 25 minutes for my bus to leave the mall. So I decided since the weather is beautiful to ride my bike for a bit and go to a bus stop further along the way. I ended up at the Burton and Breton stop and realized I still had a 20 minute wait. So I went a little further. I got to the next major street and then discovered I was almost halfway home. It  seemed silly to me to waste bus fare on a half a ride so I kept going all the way home (4.5 miles total). I haven't biked that far in a while and my legs feel a bit rubbery. Although, I am very happy to say that I beat the bus to the stop I get off on. 

I don't have any major plans for Memorial Day weekend. It is supposed to be nice weather and I am only working tomorrow night. Maybe Sunday or Monday Jans and I will do some grilling. 

In case you are wondering, the picture is off the Dirt Cake I made for my Birthday. Jen is with me in the picture because her birthday was that same week. Happy Birthday to both of us!

Friday, March 21, 2008

I Should Have Just Stayed in Bed

It is snowing quite heavily right now and the lawn, which was snow free due to all the sunny warm 40 degree weather, is becoming white once again. 

On a more positive note, last night Janson and I went out for pizza and a movie. The pizza was from Old Chicago and it was fantastic. Some of the best pizza I've ever had. The movie was Juno which was good, but not as good as the pizza.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wisdom Teeth Out of Head, Sara tucked in Bed

Well, my wisdom teeth are finally out. I remember the Doctor asking if I'd seen the eclipse finish last night. I was pretty confused about how to answer because I had seen the moon being eclipsed, but didn't watch the whole thing and I didn't know if I should nod yes or no. I've come to the conclusion that I don't like "laughing gas". When the effects first started the desire to rip the nose mask off my face was nearly overwhelming. Apparently everything was easy and we were home by about 9:30am (after an 8am appointment). My face was/is all puffy and numb. In the car, I felt like I had a cotton swap stuck in my throat, but when I check there was nothing there. We got home and mom pointed out I should take my pain pills before I fell asleep so that when I woke up I wouldn't be dying of pain (good idea mom). But things are easier said than done. My whole mouth was numb so I couldn't feel if I was swallowing or not and I also couldn't tell if my lips were opened or closed which resulted in mom quick running for a towel.

Well, typing correctly is hard to do so I guess I will have to say goodbye.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Death I Can Understand, But I'm Not So Sure About Taxes.

I did my federal taxes, those were easy. I tried to do my Michigan state taxes, those are hard.

I just don't understand why it all has to be so complicated and why confusing instructions see to be the norm. I remember last year trying to do state taxes and ending up at one point in tears of frustration. I wish I earned enough that I could pay someone else to do my taxes.

Recently I received training to work at customer service. It is a frustrating position dealing with returns and everyone's complaints. Sometime the problems/excuses are funny and sometimes people are just really bitter, but I try to remain cheerful, or at least helpful, no matter what.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why It Is Important to Learn to Speak the Language of the Country You Live In

The other day I went to the doctor. Nothing wrong with me, I just needed a physical. Everything went fine, the tests that were supposed to come back negative, came back negative. I got two shots, a vaccine and a TB test and went merrily on my way. As I came up to the payment desk, I was next in line. 

It quickly became apparent that the woman in front of me didn't speak much English. After finally getting it worked out that she owed $20 for her appointment, the nurse at the desk asked her to go to the next window to schedule a good time for an ultrasound. The was a pause. "I go work one o'clock." 

As I paid my bill it was hard not to listen to the conversation at the other window.

"Yes, but the doctor believes you have a blood clot. You need to have an ultrasound today."
"No today. I go work"
"Ma'am this is very serious, you could have a blood clot. You need an ultrasound today."
"I go work one o'clock"
"If this is a blood clot you could die. You need an ultrasound today."
"No today. I go work one o'clock"

As I was walking out of the office, the nurses were scrambling to call an interpreter.

This is why it is important to speak the language of the country you are living in. Whether you are an immigrant in America or an expat in France.