Friday, September 08, 2006

Mmmmm.... Chinese Food

I just remembered a fun story from the other day. Natsun, Tom and I went out for lunch at a small local resturant (of which there are hundreds in the area). None of us really spoke chinese so we looked at the pitures in the menu and pointed at stuff that looked good. One of the dishes came out and it was small little pieces of meat with some spieces and garnish. It was very tasty, but we couldn't quite put a name with the taste. It wasn't beef and it certainly wasn't chicken or pork. Pretty much it tasted exactly like you would expect dog to taste like. Since over the past week we had been asked numerous time if we wanted beef, chicken, pork or dog, we were a bit worried that it might actually be dog. We ended up getting the waiter to write don what it was and showed the characters to Loraine. It turned out to be mutton.


Anonymous said...


AndreaBeth said...

What a thought! That would be a bit horrifying I think!

Hope that all is well on your wonderful adventure!