Friday, July 13, 2007

Bad Luck or Just Plain Stupidity?

It is (was) Friday the 13th. Perhaps, if was a superstitious person, I would have been more careful on this bad luck day. However, I'm not and now I'm typing one-handed.

My story of woe began Thursday (the 12th). I wanted to iron my shirt before work, I turned the knob to a medium/high setting, I made my lunch and went back to the iron only to find it still cold. I checked to make sure it was plugged in. It was. I switched the plug. Still nothing. I was running out of time so I put it away and went to work with a slightly wrinkled shirt.

This takes us to the night of Friday the 13th. I needed to iron a silk shirt for a wedding on Saturday. I decided to make sure the iron was in fact not working. I put it on a low setting, went to go make a snack and came back out to check the iron. Nothing. "Crap," I say. "The iron doesn't work." And I fiddled with the knob. Janson, looked at me. "That's not good." I looked at him dejectedly and agreed. "Are you sure it doesn't work? What setting do you have it on? You have it on low right? Maybe just the low is broken." As if I don't know when something is broken! I explained about Thursday's incident and that the the iron was most assuredly not working. I was getting more heated as I tried to justify my assumption. In an effort to emphasize just how right I was, I slapped my palm down on the front of the iron, which at this point was apparently, working just fine.

So, I've managed to burn the palm of my hand by intentionally sticking it to an iron that was on it's highest heat setting. Bad Friday the 13th luck, or just plain stupidity?

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