Monday, July 02, 2007

On a sad note:

This morning I woke up at 5am to go to work. I was driving down Fulton and was almost to Cascade when the incident occured. One minute I was looking down a clear stretch of road, the next I was bearing down on a poor, innocent little bunny. He didn't have much of a chance. The tires on the truck are big enough that I didn't even feel the bump. However, when I looked in the rearview mirror he was most definantly squished.

I feel pretty bad about it.

On the plus side, somehow a preying mantis got inside the apartment today and it was pretty cool to see one up close and personal.

1 comment:

andrea said...

I hit three of them in NZ; but at least there they were non-native creatures, so I was doing the country a favor. ;)