Friday, December 15, 2006

Back from Outer Space

Wow, I made it back. I left CHina at 9:05am Thursday and after 18 hours of traveling got to Grand Rapids at 4:30pm on Thursday. Go figure.

I was pretty antsy on the plane from Detroit to GR because I knew when I got off Janson would be there to greet me. Thankfully the woman who sat next to me was a good conversationalist and we talked the whole flight.

There is a lot that seems strange here. Its weird to see houseses and the air feels sooo much cleaner. On the plane someone was talking about how a movie had just come out on DVD for the holidays and I laughed because the same movie had been availible on street corners everywhere in Beijing since the beginning of October.

My cats are doing great. The one was a kitten when I left and now is all grown up. They still like to wander around the computer when I am using it which is a bit annoying because I can never quite see what I'm typing.

Anyway, I'm back.... I miss China.

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