Sunday, December 10, 2006

Counting Down

I have finally gotten to a internet bar where I can hop on. The only problem is everything on the blogger website here is in characters. It makes it a bit hard to figure out.

I'm counting off the days until I go back to the States (3). But I am also counting down people.

Yesterday three of the guys left for their ski trip to Harbin.
Tomorrow 5 people head back to the states and 3 go off to Viet Nam for a week.
Tuesday morning one leave to Hong Kong and then I'll go back on thursday.

I'm ready to see my friends and family but I'm not ready to leave China.

Not ready at all.

PS I intended the person who wrote the last post to make it clear not to expect another post from my until my return to the US. I didn't see what he wrote until today and now I understand why people keep asking me to update. I'm glad I was able to do one last post before I leave. Maybe if I have time I'll be able to do one more... who knows...

Noww... if I can just figure out what buttons to push to post this thing.

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