Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Quiet Canadian Christmas

Well, Laura was surprised at the airport when I jumped out of the trunk of the car. She and dad didn't know I would be in Alliston for Christmas. Of course Laura, thinking I would be in Grand Rapids sent my presents from herself, Andrea and Matt to my house so I didn't have any presents :( But being able to surprise Laura was well worth it.

Sunday night (after i arrived at Mom and Dad's house) Mom and Laura were on the phone when Laura mentioned she couldn't wait to make chocolate covered cherries by herself with no siblings around. So of course I had to disrupt her plans and quick make some before she got here. Her face when I presented her with them was priceless.

So far we've played lots of Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne. Had a delicious Christmas dinner and delightful Christmas naps.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


There is a dead mouse in the basement.

It will stay there until Janson gets home from work.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Today I am thankful for....

Giant Ziplock bags.

Trying to be a good pet owner I bought some more birdseed for the cat's birdfeeder (provides hours of cat entertainment). I was going to bring the big bag of seed upstairs when I remembered I needed to quick grab something else to take upstairs. I set the bag down and went to get my other item. I came back to where I'd left my birdseed and there were several puncture wounds in the bag from little kitty teeth and claws. Apparently Absinthe tried her best to "attack" the birdseed. 

So, I am thankfully for giant Ziplock bag which I was able to pour birdseed into.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Black Friday Tips (From a Sales Girl)

Depending on how you're counting, there is 4 days left until Black Friday. I am currently employed as a sales associate in a national department store and would like to share some thoughts on what is the busiest day of the year for most stores. Many of these things really should be applied all year round , but are especially important during busy times like the Christmas season.

1. Be Patient. If you don't listen to anything else I suggest at least listen to this one. Holiday season means that there is a TON of customers in the store and they all seem to be needing help. Right now our backstock is so full that we can barely squeeze through some areas and can't get to others. It might take us a few minutes to grab the right size or color you need, but we'll do our best. Associates are trying hard to keep things moving along , but it is very stressful, so when somebody comes along who is grumpy and rude, chance are we are less inclined to try our best for you. 

2. Carts Are In High Demand and Short Supply. Last weekend we had customers standing at the end of the checkout lanes asking people if they were done with their cart. If you have kids you might want to bring in your stroller otherwise you might end up carrying your baby in your arms as you try to shop. Generally stores won't care if you place items in the strollers as long as you make sure to throughly clean out all merchandise once you get the the registers.

3. Leave The Kids At Home. (or bring a baby sitter with you) I can't tell you the number of times I've seen stressed out parents snap because they have tired, crabby or exited kids grabbing items off the shelf, repeating the "I WANT" mantra, running around or running away etc. Try to work it out so that you only take one kid at a time (maybe two if they are well behaved). I had a mother one time bring in 6 kids ranging from 12 years old to 12 months and while she shopped they went to go play on the furniture. They were screaming (literally) and wildly rocking on some chairs. Completely unsupervised and completely unacceptable.

4. The Toy Department is NOT a BABYSITTER. While tempting, it is not okay to let children loose in the toy department while you shop. I had two kids once who found  a football and began tossing it back and forth over clothes racks. Where was their parent? Shopping on the other side of the store. I can't tell you the number of children who find a toy they want to show mommy or daddy and end up getting lost in the store searching for them. Thankfully we now have a policy so we can take unsupervised children, lock them in our stockrooms and put their little fingers to work repairing all the broken and damaged merchandise we get.  

5. Don't Wander Away When Asking For Help (Similar to number 1). We might take away to search though the pile of stuff in our stockrooms so don't wander away from where we left you. We are already running around like mad so it certainly doesn't help when you take off and we have to go searching for you.

6. Fitting Rooms: Bring Out What You Bring In. Every one hates it when all the fitting rooms are full of unwanted merchandise. Please, please, please bring out what you bring in. Many retail stores have racks right outside of the fitting rooms where you can leave your unwanted merchandise. If  a store doesn't have somewhere to drop off what you don't want, at the very least rehang what you are going to leave. It is one of the worst feelings to walk into the fitting rooms and find a big mess. It sucks up our time which we could be using to clean up shelves or help customers. 

7. Fitting Rooms: Do Not Bring in Cartfulls of Items. Store limit the number of items you may take into the fitting room for three basic reasons. First, the less we let you take in, the cleaner the fitting rooms stay. Customers who only take in a few items tend to be better at rehanging and not dumping they're unwanted clothes. Second, the more items you take in at once, the easier it is to steal, and stores don't like people stealing. Lastly, it helps during busy seasons to reduce the time people have to wait for a fitting room. If every one abided by the the item limit, everyone would get in and out of the fitting rooms faster.

8. Make Sure You Have Your Money and Coupons BEFORE You Shop. It is really annoying when people get up to the checkout line and realize they left their wallet in the car or they're coupons at home. Check before you shop and then you won't be embarrassed when you wait for 20 minutes in line only to find you can't pay for it. If you forgot your coupon at home ask the store's policy before you start shopping.

9. Tell Some One If You Break Or Spill Something. I work in a department with open stock dishes and stemware, glass picture frames and candles and various other breakables. Very few stores still have a "you creak it you buy it" policy. I have broken my share of ceramic candle holders and dishes and I really don't care if you accidently break something. However, I would like to know about it as soon as it happens so some little kid doesn't come around and eat it (see item 4). Same goes with spilled foods and drinks. I really don't care just as long as it gets cleaned up right away so some old lady doesn't come through and slip on it. If you are too embarrassed just tell the associate that someone else did it. 

10. DO NOT GIVE CHILDREN BAGS OF LITTLE FOOD PARTICLES Cheerios, GoldFish Crackers, Gummi Bears, Chex, M&Ms, Skittles, KIX, Marshmellows and Animal Crackers are just a few of the items that I've seen kids drop on the floor. If you really feel the need to give your child any of the above (or similar) items while in a store, please only give them 3 or 4 at a time. I watched a naughty little toddler take his bag of Goldfish crackers and dump the all over the floor because mummy wouldn't buy him a toy. If an incident like this occurs while you are shopping, please tell an associate so we can clean it up BEFORE the marshmellows get ground into the carpet.

11. A Messy Store Is Not The Associates Fault. Sometimes we stock the shelves to full, in which case associates can take partial blame, but then customers complain about how we never have their size out. The store is a mess because lots of people have come into shop and they dig through shelves and don't put things back. While part of my job is to clean up after slobbish customers and hunt down items that some lazy shopper has randomly placed in another department, I'd rather be assisting people in getting items or putting away returns or getting out new products. Put the item back where you found it and make every one happy. 

12. Go Home When the Store Closes. When the store makes it's closing announcement, stop what you are doing and go to the registers to checkout. We want to go home and see our families or go to sleep. 

13. Don't Shop While Rushed. Don't walk in the store 15 minutes before we close and complain about how you don't like shopping while rushed (yes, I've had this happen). Don't shop when you are running late. Give yourself ample time to find what you need. People get grumpy and mean when they are rushed and that doesn't due anyone any good. 

14. Don't Wait Until Christmas Eve to Shop. Popular items will be gone, mega-sales will probably be over, and peoples tempers will be worn thin. If you do have to shop Christmas Eve Don't expect much.

15. Get Off the Cell Phone While Being Helped. If you ask me for help and then sit and yap on your phone while motioning me to wait, I will leave. I have ten million things to do and simply don't have time to wait for you to finish your call. Also, when you are being checked out at the register get off the phone, it is just plain rude.

I could go on and on but at least for now I need to take a breather. If you have any other suggestions, please leave a comment.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Friends and Family weekend

Extra 15% coupon good on all regular, sale and clearance stuff.
November 2-4

edit: I removed the coupon since the sale is over ;)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm Going to Bite You

edit: I figured out how to change the title.

After numerous people have pointed out to me that since I'm no longer in China, I should change my blog's title. I did try but google won't let me. I suppose the only alternative is to go back to China so the name will be accurate.

My parents came down for a thing in the area and decide while they were here they might as well see the new house, their grandcats and me. Mom really likes the house especially the attic area. Since there is lots of room all over. If you are in GR (and I know you) please let me know and you could stay with us. Dad got to learn about the magic power of laptops to attract cats, although he didn't seem to mind (much). I went to my uncle and aunt's in Kalamazoo for a night and the five of us played a fun game called Rage. I wish there would have been time to play a game of Settlers of Catan, but alas, there wasn't. My parents opted to stay in Kzoo the whole time since they are getting old and they weren't up for sleeping bags on wood floors.

My parents left to go back to the Cold North on Friday morning and Janson and I left for Chicago on Saturday. We went down there to see his sister's last two home soccer matches. His parents flew out from Seattle.

Today turned out to be a pretty nice day. Quite warm and sunny despite the downpour of rain we got this morning. I decided to go out roller-blading since I am guessing it is one of the (very) few warm days we have left. I was hoping that nearby Garfield Park would have some nice paths to go around on but it didn't. Not wanting to give up I decide to see if the neighborhood sidewalks were any good. I quickly determined that they would be if people swept the rocks and sticks off of them (rocks and sticks tend to rather abruptly stop the wheels on the roller blades).

I began to head home and an old man on a bike who was coming up behind me yelled something at me. I couldn't understand him. He yelled again. Still couldn't make out what he was saying. As he passed me he yelled again and this time I could hear him quite clearly "I'm gonna bite you!" Thankfully he kept biking and didn't follow through on this pronouncement.
As I recall from my days at Calvin, the college ground have some nice areas to run/jog/rollerblade so I think I'll just head over there next time.

Friday, October 05, 2007

In My Purse

1 hairbrush
1 set of keys
1 tube of mascara
1 Smokey the Bear sticker
1 pair guitar earrings
3 plain silver colored earrings
4 hair clips
2 loose pennies
2 mostly empty tubes of Aveeno hydrocortisone
1 checkbook
1 wallet
1 driver licence (loose)
1 debit card (loose)
1 pair of sunglasses
6 pens
1 tampon
2 boxcutters
15 mostly crumped recipts
1 book of stamps
1 container of eyeshadow
2 buttons
1 name badge
1 box of matches
1 bottle of germx (hand sanitizer)
1 menu for Jimmy Johns
5 pieces of paper with notes (grocery lists, etc)
2 coupons
1 pay stub
1 watch
1 fork

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I leaned over in the desk chair a bit too far and managed to tip the thing over. I landed pretty hard on my hip.I think it is more impressive in person. (It is roughly the size of the palm of my hand.).

Jans and I signed a lease on a house. It has three bedrooms and a finished attic... so basically four bedrooms. I'm excited.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bad Luck or Just Plain Stupidity?

It is (was) Friday the 13th. Perhaps, if was a superstitious person, I would have been more careful on this bad luck day. However, I'm not and now I'm typing one-handed.

My story of woe began Thursday (the 12th). I wanted to iron my shirt before work, I turned the knob to a medium/high setting, I made my lunch and went back to the iron only to find it still cold. I checked to make sure it was plugged in. It was. I switched the plug. Still nothing. I was running out of time so I put it away and went to work with a slightly wrinkled shirt.

This takes us to the night of Friday the 13th. I needed to iron a silk shirt for a wedding on Saturday. I decided to make sure the iron was in fact not working. I put it on a low setting, went to go make a snack and came back out to check the iron. Nothing. "Crap," I say. "The iron doesn't work." And I fiddled with the knob. Janson, looked at me. "That's not good." I looked at him dejectedly and agreed. "Are you sure it doesn't work? What setting do you have it on? You have it on low right? Maybe just the low is broken." As if I don't know when something is broken! I explained about Thursday's incident and that the the iron was most assuredly not working. I was getting more heated as I tried to justify my assumption. In an effort to emphasize just how right I was, I slapped my palm down on the front of the iron, which at this point was apparently, working just fine.

So, I've managed to burn the palm of my hand by intentionally sticking it to an iron that was on it's highest heat setting. Bad Friday the 13th luck, or just plain stupidity?

Monday, July 02, 2007

On a sad note:

This morning I woke up at 5am to go to work. I was driving down Fulton and was almost to Cascade when the incident occured. One minute I was looking down a clear stretch of road, the next I was bearing down on a poor, innocent little bunny. He didn't have much of a chance. The tires on the truck are big enough that I didn't even feel the bump. However, when I looked in the rearview mirror he was most definantly squished.

I feel pretty bad about it.

On the plus side, somehow a preying mantis got inside the apartment today and it was pretty cool to see one up close and personal.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pictures (Yippee!)

I posted a whole bunch of pictures online (link on the right). Especially from China. Browse and enjoy.

By the way my friends who are married/engaged list seems to be rapidly increasing.

For those of you who know her, Choi is engaged. I think she is the major contributing factor to why I stayed relatively sane throughout the trails and tribulations of high school.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Brief History of the Highlights of the Past Month and a Half

(scroll down if you just want to look at the pictures)

I'm feeling a sudden competitive urge as I realize my brother and sisters have been updating and posting on their blogs and I've been a lazy bum about it.

Let me see... Things at work have been going well. This morning (06/12) I had my first EMR shift. I asked for more hours and somehow dug myself into a hole where I agreed to come to work at 6am. Those of you who have lived with m
e probably are sitting in shocked horror that I would voluntarily get up at 5am to go to work. I'm a little shocked to, but I found that I like the early morning shifts. Time goes by really quickly and I am good at it. "It" basically consists of putting out new stock onto shelves.

At the end of May, Janson and I flew out to Seattle to see his mom graduate from nursing school and get remarried. We arrived in Seattle Thursday (May 24th) night and I got to meet Breanna, Trevon, and Gaelen*. Previously I had met his parents and other sister Kalina. Friday I met Camden, the youngest and we all went to the pinning/graduation ceremony. Janson's mom got her nursing pin and master's hood. Afterwards we went out to dessert with all the Hartliep kids, me, Jans' mom, Brian (future step-father), Brian's daughter Brooke, and Brian's parents. Quite the gathering.

*I am not sure how to spell this one's name and apparently neither is Janson (he claims he is "just tired").

Saturday Janson, Breanna and I went to downtown Seattle, ate at a great little Thai and Moroccan place by Pike Place Market, went to the Seattle Art Museum, walked down the waterfront to the outdoor Olympic Sculpture Park where Breanna met up with her friends. The sculpture park had a metal tree. Janson and I then went back down the waterfront and ate at a phenomenal restaurant called the Crab Pot. We had a big bowl of clams, mussels, crab legs, shrimp, corn and potatoes dumped on the table in front of us and it was delicious.
My new gorilla pod (b-day present from Jans) came in handy as I attached it to a sighpost and took this photo of ourselves. We then went to go see Monkey Warfare which was showing as part of the Seattle International Film Festival. It was a pretty good movie, well done and enjoyable.

Sunday we went to Anderson Island for the wedding. Janson walked his mom up to the "altar".
Janson's mom and Brian: It was a beautiful small ceremony of just family and a few friends. It took place at the back yard of a house on Anderson Island (not sure of the connection between homeowners and couple). Janson now has a step-dad and two step-sisters which is kinda crazy! After the wedding we went out to eat with the happy couple, all their kids as well as me and Kalina's boyfriend, Tony.
This is Janson and me in our wedding garb.
Monday morning bright and early Jans and I drove up to Kirkland and had breakfast at the Brown Bag cafe (highly recommended). We met Kalina and tony as well as my sister Andrea and my Aunt Faye. After breakfast we had just enough time to run up to Bothell to see the old house. A lot has changed, but quite a bit still remains the same. Andrea and me:

On the flight back to GR we had an incredible view of the mountains. I was surprised when the pictures I took from the plane turned out faily well. No Mount Rainier though :(

Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm Back

I took a trip to Kentucky at the end of April (the 28th). Janson and I rented a car since the truck has rather low gas mileage. We drove down there (6 hours), saw Carrie and Charles get married and then drove back (6 hours). Several people have called us crazy for making the roundtrip in one day, but it was actually really nice. Janson and I had ample oppurtunity to talk and hold real conversations! Plus the wedding was great. Carrie and I met in the dorms our freshamn/sophmore years at Calvin and then lived together our junior year. I have many fond memories of Carrie and it was pretty crazy cool to see her get married.
The wedding was outdoors and it was beautiful weather. It was a small gathering which I think made it quite relaxing and enjoyable (especially for the bride and groom).

On the way down I had been sleeping for a quick nap when Janson woke me up saying that I had to see something. I groggily looked up and there, across the freeway was a giant Jesus. He promised we could stop and take a picture on teh way back. (see below)

Giant Jesus is on I-75 in Ohio and is 60-some odd feet tall.

Well, that's it for now. I think the next few days will require a fair bit of posting to catch up with where I am now.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Problems Despite Productivity

Problem number 1: It's almost 3am and I am getting the midnight snackies

Problem number 2: Janson left me alone with this:

This would be the apple pie I made tonight which is cooling out of the reach of cat paws. When I put it away I could still feel how warm it was on the bottom if the dish. You have no idea of the tempting power a warm apple pie with ice cream and no one to stop you but your own willpower has.

Anyhow, here I am with my home made apple pie. (Induldge me, half my cooking projects don't turn out nearly as well as I (and Janson) hope.

Friday was very productive for me.

I finished reading a novel. (Robert Jordan book, I wasn't too impressed)

I picked up my paycheck and deposited it.

I stopped by Calvin and saw several people I'd been wanting to see.

I washed dishes, cleaned the bathroom and swept some floors.

I made a pie.

I got groceries. I had forgotten my list and I managed to get all but 3 things (although I got an extra 10... Whoops)

Now, to bed I go so that Saturday will be just, if not more, productive.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Employment (Yippee!!)

This past sunday Janson and I were out and about GR and happened to see that a retail chain had a hiring sign up. I went into apply and saw a friend of mine working there. She said I could use her as a referance which was nice.

Monday I brought the ap in and she was working again. She told me to "hang on a second" and went in the back room. When she came out she asked me if Wednesday was okay for an interview.
Wednesday I went in for a group interview.

Thurday I was offered a job.

Friday (today) I went to orientation.

Tuesday I start training!

I'll be working as a sales associate in the "home bucket" which is a rather large department running from seasonal to home stuff.

As far as I can tell (coparing orientation with previous employer's orientations) they treat they're employees pretty well.

I'm pretty happy about finally having a job.

Friday, March 23, 2007


If you want to see some of my pictures you can visit the website:


I'll put a link to it on the sidebar.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cutie Pies

I promise my blog will not dissolve into a blog revolving around my cats, but right now they are the only thing that is semi interesting in my life.

Here's Absinthe all cuddled up in the little Kittie Bed I made for her. (see "the Wonderful Feeling of Being Right" post a few days ago...)

Here are the two cats sitting next to each other.

Recently the joys of sun-basking have been discovered.

Dante hates high places. Absinthe seems to love them.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My "Famous" Sister

If you go to or have graduated from Calvin (and read the Spark) You might be jealous that I have such a famous "cover girl" of a sister. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, click on the picture (it's a link to the Calvin Spark online).

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Wonderful Feeling of Being RIGHT

I love being Right.

Here's the short version:

After moving the apartment around we came up with a spare piece of flat foam. As it is in my nature to "waste not, want not" the gears in my mind began spinning as I pondered what project could use a large piece of foam. It didn't take long for me to realize that it would be perfect for making a little cat bed. I cut off the necessary pieces which Janson eyed suspiciously. He asked and I told him (with demonstrations) that the pieces would be made into a covered cat bed. He laughed. When I later began working on my little project he asked me what I was doing. I explained. He laughed. Apparently he had thought I was joking about the cat bed. According to the skepticm in his eyes, by actually following through on my proposed cat bed I had crossed the border into Crazyland.

After finishing the cover for the bottom piece of foam I tossed it near where Absinthe (one of the cats) was lounging. She sniffed it and within two seconds was curled up on top of it sleeping.

She absoluelty loves it.

I absolutely love being Right.

According to Laura blog posts aren't much good without pictures...
So here's a couple pictures we took the other day when Grand Rapids was getting really thick snowfall. The cats think snow is too Cold and too Wet and they're curiousity towards the white fluffy stuff floating by their window has been satiated.

The top one is me and Absinthe and the bottom one is Janson and Dante.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Still Alive... but in Grand Rapids

I suppose if my brother can remember to add to his blog, I should to.
What has happened since my last post:

I took my last course at Calvin. I discovered last semester that if you are a full-time student during the fall, an interim (January) course is included in tuition. So I figured why waste the opportunity to procrastinate getting a job. I took "Village Religion In China" taught by visiting professor John Lagerway. It was a pretty interesting class despite being at 8:30 in the morning. Some of the stuff I saw in China began to make sense and I learned quite a bit in general about China.

After I finished up the course I went for a week long visit to my parents house up in Alliston. It was pretty relaxing. My mom and I went down to Toronto one day and despite the freezing cold temperatures we walked to Toronto's Chinatown and ate at a pretty authentic Chinese restaurant. It brought back some pleasant memories of China.

Now that I am back in Grand Rapids, I've busied myself with trying to find a job. I sent out several resumes and hopefully I'll hear back from at least one or two of them.

Janson has been working really hard on a project at work (going in early, staying late) and he called tonight wondering if I could swing by with some dinner. Right now he's finishing up working and I am using his laptop. From what I can tell, his job as a software developer consists of a lot of typing and clicking, interjected randomly with sighs of frustration or victory.

I wish I had something a little more exciting to write about. All I can think of are stupid little anecdotes about my kitties. I've been thinking about every once in a while posting a picture from China and writing about it... maybe one of these days I'll remember to do that.